Speaking Engagements

Georgia Bankers Association (GBA) – 2021 Compliance Conference

October 20 to October 22, the Georgia Bankers Association hosted its annual Compliance Conference at the King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort in St. Simons, GA. On October 21, Jim Treacy presented Online Account Opening Compliance. This event covered the full spectrum of compliance topics and provided participants the opportunity to network, share best practices and learn from nationally known experts.

Speaking Engagements

American Bankers Association (ABA) – 2021 Best Practices for Monitoring Servicing Performance Webinar

On September 29, 2021 Bradley Teplin and Liza Warner presented a webinar for the American Bankers Association (ABA) – Best Practices for Monitoring Servicing Performance. This webinar helped participants be better prepared to address common regulatory and investor concerns, improve consumer complaint management, and differentiate between the unique roles of quality assurance and quality control in managing loan servicing. The recorded webinar is available on the ABA’s website.

Speaking Engagements

American Bar Association (ABA) – 2021 Business Law Section Annual Meeting

On September 23, 2021 as part of the American Bar Association Business Law Section Annual Meeting, Monika McCarthy participated on a panel – Fair Servicing Spotlight and CARES Act Challenges. This panel discussed best practices to avoid fair servicing risks, predictions for fair servicing supervision and enforcement activity, and priorities of consumer advocates in the fair servicing space. The other panelists included Kevin McQuail, Ocwen Financial Corporation, Chetna Vora, Citadel Servicing Corporation, and Tori Shinohara, Mayer Brown.

Speaking Engagements

Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) – 2021 Regulatory Compliance Conference

On Tuesday September 14th, 2021 Monika McCarthy participated on a panel at the MBA’s Regulatory Compliance Conference. The panel’s topic was Working with Your Vendors to Solve Common Compliance Challenges. Attendees learned best practices for engaging with vendors to solve common compliance challenges based on scenarios presented by industry practitioners.


Mission Impossible? Overcoming Fair Lending Challenges in Non-mortgage Products

Published in the September/October issue of ABA Bank Compliance, this article discusses managing fair lending risks in all loan products offered, not just mortgage loans reported under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). While managing fair lending exposure outside the realm of home mortgage lending can be challenging, it is not an impossible mission. Learn more about how to overcome the challenges in this informative article.


CrossCheck Compliance Added to Fitch List of Third-Party Review (TPR) Firms

CrossCheck Compliance announced today that the firm has been assessed by Fitch Ratings, Inc. (Fitch), a nationally recognized statistical rating organization, and added to their list of TPR firms that are acceptable for conducting loan-level diligence for private-label residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) transactions. “We are pleased that Fitch has recognized our capabilities as a third-party […]

Speaking Engagements

American Bankers Association (ABA) – 2021 Compliance Management for First-Line Operations Webinar

On August 25th, 2021 Jocali Nakao, CRCM and CAMS, and Tracey Levandoski, CRCM, presented a webinar for the American Bankers Association (ABA). The topic of the webinar was Compliance Management for First-Line Operations. Called the first line of defense, the bank’s frontline and back-office operations together own compliance risk for the products it sells and services. The first line should maintain an effective system to identify, assess, and mitigate the bank’s compliance risk while making sure customers receive fair and responsible products and services. Attendees learned best practices for integrating the first line into an institution’s overall compliance framework and gained a deeper understanding of how to: document controls, assess risk, develop monitoring templates, and track issues through resolution within the first line. CERP, CRCM and CPE credits are available. Registration continues to be available to the recorded webinar on the ABA’s website.

Speaking Engagements

Chicagoland Compliance Association (CCA) – 2021 Fair Lending Risks in Originations, Servicing and Small Business Webinar

On August 19, 2021 Liza Warner presented a webinar on Fair Lending Risks in Originations, Servicing and Small Business for the Chicagoland Compliance Association (CCA). The current administration and the CFPB are both focused on equity and inclusion which extends to lending activities. Banks have always been expected to provide lending related services in a fair and responsible manner and the expectations are receiving even more heightened attention in today’s environment. This webinar touched on the fair lending risks that a bank needs to be aware of and needs to monitor to meet its fair lending policy and mandate and to ensure it understands its performance and can explain it to regulators and other interested parties. Liza reviewed risks and potential solutions within loan origination and servicing activities including consideration of the consumer protections extended as a result of COVID-19. She also reviewed fair lending strategies related to small business lending.

Speaking Engagements

Northern Illinois Compliance Association (NICA) – 2021 July Meeting

On Friday July 16, 2021 at the NICA July meeting, Tracey Levandoski presented – Developing a Fintech Compliance Roadmap. This presentation focused on the factors bank management should consider in selecting a fintech lending partner, and then after making the selection, how the bank can help their fintech strategic partners develop a compliance roadmap and compliance infrastructure that meets the regulator’s requirements as well as the bank’s expectations under its third-party risk management program.


Sara McGinnis Joins CrossCheck Compliance as Director

“Sara brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our clients and team.” said Liza Warner, managing director, practice leader for regulatory compliance, internal audit, and fair lending.” Sara’s has internal audit and compliance management positions at USAA, U.S. Bank, Associated Banc-Corp, Johnson Financial Group and Wipfli LLP. For more information on Sara, please see […]

Speaking Engagements

American Bankers Association (ABA) – 2021 Regulatory Compliance Conference

Liza Warner participated on three panels at the American Bankers Association’s Regulatory Compliance Conference which was held June 22-24. These panels are: 1) Fair and Responsible Lending Risks for Mortgages Part 1: Product Design, Marketing and Originations, 2) Fair and Responsible Lending Risks for Mortgages Part 2: Fair Servicing and Debt Collections, and 3) Small Business Lending: Addressing Needs Today and Tomorrow. The panel recordings are available on demand for those who registered for the conference.


Four Pillars of an Effective HMDA Compliance Program – Keys to Successful Data Integrity and Accurate Fair Lending Performance Analysis

In the July/August issue of ABA Bank Compliance, Heidi Wier authored an article entitled, Four Pillars of an Effective HMDA Compliance Program, Keys to Successful Data Integrity and Accurate Fair Lending Performance Analysis. Complete and accurate HMDA data is essential to understanding where and to whom loans are being made. Regulators have signaled that continued and enhanced scrutiny should be expected. Learn more about how establishing a comprehensive HMDA compliance program will ensure the accuracy of your HDMA data, and when analyzed effectively, it will in turn help manage your fair lending risk.

Speaking Engagements

Central Florida Compliance Association (CFCA) – 2021 HMDA Webinar

At the June 17th, 2021 meeting of the Central Florida Compliance Association (CFCA), Heidi Wier presented a webinar entitled, HMDA: Keys to Successful Data Integrity.

Speaking Engagements

American Bankers Association (ABA) – 2021 Avoiding UDAAP Pitfalls Webinar

On June 10, 2021 Tracey Levandoski presented a webinar for the American Bankers Association (ABA) entitled Avoiding UDAAP Pitfalls: Recognizing and Addressing Risk in Marketing and Advertising. Enforcement actions for UDAAP violations are likely to increase, and UDAAP risk should be on the minds of every bank’s marketing manager. Supervisory highlights from the CFPB include references to misleading advertisements of bonus offers on deposit accounts, misleading representation about the ability to apply for a loan online, and false representations that no credit check will be conducted on loan applicants. When examiners review the bank’s UDAAP risk as part of compliance examinations, you will need to explain to examiners, with supporting documentation, how UDAAP risk has been mitigated.  Now is the time to review the bank’s marketing and advertising plans, including policies and procedures, with an eye to potential UDAAP pitfalls. If you missed it the first time, the recording of this webinar is available for purchase on the ABA’s website.

Speaking Engagements

Chicagoland Compliance Association (CCA) – 2021 Bank/Fintech Webinar

On June 9, 2021  Tracey Levandoski presented a webinar for the Chicagoland Compliance Association (CCA). Her presentation focused on the factors bank management should consider in selecting a fintech lending partner, and then after making the selection, how the bank can help their fintech strategic partners develop a compliance roadmap and compliance infrastructure that meets the regulator’s requirements as well as the bank’s expectations under its third-party risk management program. Tracey described the areas of caution, potential detours, roadwork ahead and speed bumps to reinforce the concepts that the development of a compliance roadmap is a journey that needs to be mapped out and at times adjusted for changes in conditions and unforeseen events.

Speaking Engagements

American Bankers Association (ABA) – 2021 Compliance/Audit Partnership Webinar

On May 20, 2021, Heidi Wier and Jim Treacy presented The Compliance/Audit Partnership webinar for the American Bankers Association (ABA). During this webinar, The Compliance-Audit Partnership, participants learned how auditors can collaborate with compliance officers to fully understand the bank’s compliance risk and develop an audit plan to best address that risk while maintaining independence as the third line of defense. CERP 1.25, CRCM 1.25 was available. The recording of this webinar can be purchased through the ABA.


Avoiding UDAAP Pitfalls: Recognizing and Addressing Risks in Marketing and Advertising

Tracey Levandoski authored this informative article published in the May/June 2021 issues of ABA Bank Compliance. Enforcement actions for UDAAP violations are likely to increase, and UDAAP risk should be on the minds of every bank’s marketing manager. Supervisory highlights from the CFPB include references to misleading advertisements of bonus offers on deposit accounts, misleading representation about the ability to apply for a loan online, and false representations that no credit check will be conducted on loan applicants. When examiners review the bank’s UDAAP risk as part of compliance examinations, you will need to explain to examiners, with supporting documentation, how UDAAP risk has been mitigated. Now is the time to review the bank’s marketing and advertising plans, including policies and procedures, with an eye to potential UDAAP pitfalls.

Speaking Engagements

Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) – 2021 Real Estate Compliance School

In March 2021, Jim Treacy taught TRID and ATR/QM for the Wisconsin Bankers Association’s Real Estate Compliance School.

Speaking Engagements

Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association – 2021 Compliance Bootcamp

In March 2021 Heidi Wier presented a Compliance Bootcamp for the Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association.

Speaking Engagements

Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) – 2021 Real Estate Compliance School

In March 2021, Heidi Wier taught HMDA for the Wisconsin Bankers Association’s (WBA) Real Estate Compliance School. Heidi has been a long-standing teacher for the WBA.