Do you know what’s current in compliance?
The American Bankers Association’s (ABA’s) Reference Guide to Regulatory Compliance is an ideal resource for compliance professionals and those preparing for the Certified Regulatory Compliance (CRCM) exam. Our team of compliance experts worked closely with the ABA on updates to the 31st edition which include:
- Advisories on Predatory and Subprime Lending (including the Payday Lending Rule)
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
- Flood Disaster Protection Act
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Reg X)
- Truth in Lending Act (Reg Z)
- Community Reinvestment Act
- And many more!
For purchase, please go to the ABA’s website. https://www.aba.com/news-research/references-guides/reference-guide-regulatory-compliance?utm_source=eloqua&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=rgrc&utm_content=2022_rgrc_pubs_prospects_e2_20220324.html&elqTrackId=faeee260c62243f4b16ad19e755e8d37&elq=640d199ee1144a9087977c85ca15ca34&elqaid=27215&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=9953