
The needs of banks can vary based on asset size and complexity, as well as their regulator(s). We work with banks of all sizes including community banks, regional banks and large national banks to develop cost effective solutions that fit an individual client’s situation. Our banking expertise includes industry experience as former bankers and bank regulators; enforcement and remediation legal experience in the banking sector; and years of consulting on a wide range of engagements.

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Credit Unions

Credit unions are under increasing regulatory scrutiny. The unique nature of credit unions with their member/depositor structure, prudential regulator, and business model make it critical that consultants have deep understanding of and experience with credit unions. 

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Mortgage Companies

We have deep and extensive experience working with mortgage companies of all sizes and types, and organizations providing services to those clients, including mortgage originators and servicers, mortgage units of large national banks, special servicers, warehouse lenders, firms providing capital to mortgage entities, investors, bond holders, and others.

We have brought together a highly qualified team of mortgage professionals who have had significant professional success in mortgage origination, processing and underwriting, secondary marketing and securitization, due diligence, mortgage servicing, mortgage operations, internal audit and quality control. This broad and deep mortgage specific experience, combined with our regulatory compliance, internal audit, fair lending, loan review and litigation support expertise distinguishes us from other alternatives.

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Fintech has undergone dramatic shifts since its inception as a “peer-to-peer” lending model.  While technology-based startups are seeking more stable funding sources, banks and other lenders have shifted their thinking from the potential disruption that may result from new business models, to effective collaboration with these entities. Collaboration may take the form of investments, funding or partnerships that range from loan originations to loan purchases to referral arrangements. Some more traditional organizations are creating fintech solutions directly or acquiring fintech companies to complement their strategic goals.

Our focus is on those fintech organizations that are involved in lending including mortgages, student loans, consumer installment debt (whether secured or unsecured) and small business loans. Our services have been provided to the fintech directly, to a bank partner, through a law firm providing legal advice to these organizations, or on behalf of other funders, either those providing capital to the company itself or investors in the loans.

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Consumer Finance

The consumer finance segment is very diverse and includes auto finance, student loans, credit cards, payday lenders, debt collectors, and money service businesses, among others. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mandate includes rule-making governing consumer finance markets to ensure that laws and regulations are followed. In addition to working with non-bank mortgage lenders and servicers, we are increasingly working with other non-bank, non-depository financial services providers to ensure they are in compliance.

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Law Firms

Our team includes individuals with prior experience as in-house general counsel, external enforcement legal counsel, and expert witnesses in major litigation. We can partner with law firms and their clients either under attorney-client privilege and/or work product privilege in lieu of working directly with clients. We have demonstrated successful results for a wide range of clients over a broad spectrum of engagement types.

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Litigation Support Firms

We provide litigation support and expert testimony on a variety of issues surrounding mortgage lending, mortgage servicing, and regulatory compliance. Our expert reports and testimony have addressed conformance to underwriting standards in mortgage-backed securities, repurchases, loan modifications, and alleged predatory lending. Our executive team’s deep experience and day-to-day involvement in the issues facing financial institutions allow us to provide the most credible expert testimony.

We also partner with other experts and litigation support firms to provide evaluation of loan modifications, re-underwriting of mortgage loan files, evaluations of commercial lending transactions, and other file reviews and analyses.

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