One of the nation’s largest banks, serving as trustee on various mortgage-backed securities, wanted to assess the performance of the servicer of the trust’s loans. CrossCheck performed this review, allowing the trustee to have a reliable understanding of the servicer’s performance.
Mortgage-backed Securities Settlement Evaluation
CrossCheck partnered with a major litigation support firm to provide an opinion as to the fairness of a proposed settlement between an RMBS issuer and various investor groups. CrossCheck supervised the review of several thousand loans sampled from multiple RMBS trusts in order to evaluate the proposed settlement amount. The work resulted in approval of […]
RMBS Investor Litigation
Mortgage-backed securities investors, including government-sponsored enterprises regulated by FHFA, have filed actions under the Securities Exchange Act of 1933 and various state investment acts. Defendants’ counsel has retained CrossCheck to provide loan file review and expert testimony on many of these cases. We review the mortgage loan files underlying the security to evaluate the original […]